Title: Identifying critical success factors of linkage mechanism between government and non-profit in the geo-disaster emergency decision
Authors: Jundong Hou; Renbin Xiao
Addresses: School of Economics and Management, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan 430074, China ' School of Automation, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, China
Abstract: Since unexpected geo-disasters have been causing enormous losses all over the world, it is unsustainable for the government to perfect the emergency rescue channels, so the non-profit could be embedded as far as possible. Nevertheless, the linkage performance may be affected by various different factors and it is always difficult to improve all aspects simultaneously. This paper's aim is to propose an imperative issue on how to identify the critical success factors (CSFs) that impact the linkage mechanism between government and non-profit in the geo-disaster emergency decision. Therefore, an effectively integrated approach of interpretive structural modelling, fuzzy logic and decision-making trial and evaluation laboratory is adopted to visualise the causal relationships and hierarchical structure, six CSFs are identified from the initial 22 factors that are extraordinarily essential for the linkage mechanism, and all factors can be achieved for better improving the effectiveness of the linkage mechanism in the geo-disaster emergency decision.
Keywords: geo-disasters; emergency decisions; decision making; linkage mechanisms; CSFs; critical success factors; ISM; interpretive structural modelling; DEMATEL; fuzzy logic; government; non-profit organisations; emergency management; disaster management.
International Journal of Emergency Management, 2015 Vol.11 No.2, pp.146 - 168
Received: 13 Dec 2014
Accepted: 20 Mar 2015
Published online: 09 Aug 2015 *