Title: International human resource management: implications for multinational corporations operating in the Arab Middle East
Authors: Liza Howe-Walsh; Sarah Turnbull; Aisha Boulanouar
Addresses: Portsmouth Business School, University of Portsmouth, Ricmond Building, Portland Street, Portsmouth PO1 3DE, UK ' Portsmouth Business School, University of Portsmouth, Ricmond Building, Portland Street, Portsmouth PO1 3DE, UK ' Marketing Department, College of Economics and Political Science, Sultan Qaboos University, Al Khoudh,Muscat 123, Oman
Abstract: This paper explores the implications for human resources development (HRD) and practice for firms operating in the Arab Middle East. The paper makes two key contributions. Firstly, we expand the current understanding of Islamic axiology and the implications of Islamic ethics in a business context. Second, we explore successful expatriation within multinationals within the Arab Middle East. We argue that in addition to the global competencies required by expatriates when undertaking an overseas appointment, firms should also provide training and development opportunities in Islamic ethics in order to facilitate effective business-to-business relationships to aid effective and efficient social networks. The article outlines a conceptual model of the factors influencing the success of expatriate assignments in the Arab Middle East during each stage of an expatriation.
Keywords: Islamic ethics; international HRM; human resource management; IHRM; expatriates; Middle East; Islam; multinational corporations; MNCs; Arab countries; expats; expatriation; multinationals; training opportunities; development opportunities; business-to-business relationships; B2B relationships; social networks.
DOI: 10.1504/IJHRDM.2015.071172
International Journal of Human Resources Development and Management, 2015 Vol.15 No.2/3/4, pp.258 - 274
Received: 05 Feb 2014
Accepted: 09 Apr 2015
Published online: 13 Aug 2015 *