Title: Immaterial common goods and institutional reflexivity
Authors: Klaus Neundlinger
Addresses: 4dimensions Consulting and Research Institute, Klostergasse 9/10, A – 1180 Wien, Austria
Abstract: In this theoretical essay, speech acts such as promises, commitments, claims and critical appraisals are conceived of as forms of interacting that create immaterial common goods. The immaterial common good produced by speech acts can take over the function to determine what responsibility means on various levels, within projects, between and beyond departments. Forms of institutional reflexivity like peer groups and cross-departmental knowledge exchange are apt to extend the management's perspective. This applies particularly to the role of project management. An intense relationship with the customers allows project managers to challenge a corporation's business strategies and to contribute to the preparation of a shift in core business. Hence, it is of major importance to process the knowledge acquired in the projects for strategic purposes.
Keywords: work organisation; organisational change; project management; knowledge economy; common goods; immaterial goods; social capital; language pragmatics; speech acts; institutional reflexivity; institutions; peer groups; knowledge exchange.
International Journal of Work Innovation, 2015 Vol.1 No.2, pp.226 - 239
Received: 14 Aug 2014
Accepted: 09 Mar 2015
Published online: 16 Aug 2015 *