Title: Research on the information quality management maturity for S&T information resource sharing projects in China
Authors: Lirong Song; Xiaohong Zhang
Addresses: Center for Resource Sharing Promotion, Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China, 15 FuXing Road, Beijing, 100038, China ' Economics and Management College, Beijing Institute of Petro-Chemical Technology, 19 QingYuan Road, Beijing, 102617, China
Abstract: The problems associated with information quality (IQ) have become prominent restraints for China's efforts for promoting science and technology (S&T) information resource sharing. Due to the traditional quality management has shortcoming in terms of quality issues in solving the information sharing items. In this paper, we draw on the experience of methods and tools in the information quality management maturity (IQMM) from some scholars. A framework of IQMM assessment is proposed, which is focused on the maturity features, constituent elements, key links and processes and evaluation criteria and methods of maturity levels of IQMM to provide effective strategies and measures to improve IQ in the S&T information resource-sharing construction. This paper finally presents the preliminary results of a case study, where IQMM assessment is applied to some of the specific S&T information resource sharing management projects in the national program National Science and Technology Foundation Platform in China, to improve IQ continuously.
Keywords: information quality management maturity; IQMM; science and technology; S&T; information resources; resource sharing; information sharing; maturity level; China.
International Journal of Information Quality, 2015 Vol.4 No.1, pp.42 - 63
Received: 20 Jan 2014
Accepted: 18 Feb 2015
Published online: 14 Sep 2015 *