Title: Improving retail banking loans recovery via data mining techniques: a case study from Indian market
Authors: Vadlamani Ravi; Sagar Koparkar; N. Prudhvi Raju; S. Sridher
Addresses: Center of Excellence in Analytics, Institute for Development and Research in Banking Technology, Castle Hills Road #1, Masab Tank, Hyderabad 500057, India ' Center of Excellence in Analytics, Institute for Development and Research in Banking Technology, Castle Hills Road #1, Masab Tank, Hyderabad 500057, India ' Center of Excellence in Analytics, Institute for Development and Research in Banking Technology, Castle Hills Road #1, Masab Tank, Hyderabad 500057, India ' Center of Excellence in Analytics, Institute for Development and Research in Banking Technology, Castle Hills Road #1, Masab Tank, Hyderabad 500057, India
Abstract: In 2006-2007, the Indian banks saw a phenomenal increase in their loans, because of global growth, and mortgage market in the USA. But this was a 'bubble', hence did not sustain. Then global recession set in affecting the financial market in India. The default rates on unsecured borrowing rose and recovery became difficult. Banks spent more resources for their recovery. But in the process, borrower information was ignored, although credit bureau information about the borrower was available. This paper demonstrates that data mining techniques can find out defaulters who are most likely to pay, hence focusing recovery efforts on them. We tested the predictive power of neural network (NN), CART (DT) and logistic regression (LR) on the data of one of the bank's personal loan portfolio. Also, we demonstrated the use of 'textual data' available in the form of interaction with the borrowers and its value addition in predicting their payment behaviour.
Keywords: loan recovery; data mining; text mining; logistic regression; multilayer perceptron; CART; retail banking loans; case study; India; loan defaults; neural networks; personal loans; payment behaviour; payment prediction.
DOI: 10.1504/IJECRM.2015.071716
International Journal of Electronic Customer Relationship Management, 2015 Vol.9 No.2/3, pp.189 - 201
Accepted: 02 Aug 2015
Published online: 15 Sep 2015 *