Title: Education for sustainability, critical reflection and transformative learning: professors' experiences in Brazilian administration courses
Authors: Claudine Brunnquell; Janette Brunstein; Pedro Jaime
Addresses: Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, Rua Maracá, 363 – Apto 163, Vila Guarani, São Paulo – SP 04313-210, Brazil ' Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, Rua Aimberé, 1775 – Apto 41, Perdizes, São Paulo – SP 01258-020, Brazil ' Centro Universitário da FEI, Rua Girassol, 488 – Apto 92, Vila Madalena, São Paulo – SP 05433-001, Brazil
Abstract: This paper discusses the issue of critical reflection (CR) and transformative learning (TL) in the teaching of sustainability in administration courses in Brazil. To this end, a qualitative study was conducted on 32 proposals submitted to the Santander Educational Practices for Sustainability Contest, which included the participation of faculty members of higher education institution (HEI) administration courses nationwide. Data were collected through the analysis of documents and interviews. The results show the evidence of teaching practices that are relatively close to the CR and TL principles. They also indicate the factors that facilitate/hinder this approximation. The aim of this work is to broaden discussions on education for sustainability (EfS), with a focus on Brazilian experiences; encourage the implementation of CR and TL in the teaching of sustainability and present a route for analysing teaching practices on sustainability.
Keywords: education for sustainability; critical reflection; transformative learning; business administration; business education; higher education; Brazil; sustainable development.
DOI: 10.1504/IJISD.2015.071858
International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development, 2015 Vol.9 No.3/4, pp.321 - 342
Received: 05 Jun 2014
Accepted: 06 Jan 2015
Published online: 21 Sep 2015 *