Title: Analysing observable success and activity indicators on crowdfunding platforms
Authors: Jens Lechtenbörger; Florian Stahl; Vanessa Volz; Gottfried Vossen
Addresses: ERCIS, Münster University, Germany ' ERCIS, Münster University, Germany ' ERCIS, Münster University, Germany ' ERCIS, Münster University, Germany; Waikato Management School, Hamilton, New Zealand
Abstract: Crowdfunding, a strategy for obtaining financial support for a project, an event, or a start-up company, has become both popular and successful in recent years. However, research on the subject is still scarce. Based on data from Kickstarter (US-based) and Startnext (Germany-based) projects, insights into the current crowdfunding situation at the aforementioned popular crowdfunding platforms are provided in this paper. Furthermore, project development over time is presented with regard to observable success and activity indicators, in particular focusing on activities such as communication within and growth of the community formed by project initiators and supporters.
Keywords: crowdfunding; crowdsourcing; virtual communities; success indicators; project development; activity indicators; Kickstarter; Startnext; web based communities; online communities.
DOI: 10.1504/IJWBC.2015.072133
International Journal of Web Based Communities, 2015 Vol.11 No.3/4, pp.264 - 289
Received: 27 Mar 2015
Accepted: 01 Apr 2015
Published online: 01 Oct 2015 *