Title: Agrigold™, an alternative disinfectant with superior bactericidal efficacy

Authors: Mieke Daneel

Addresses: Agricultural Research Council, Institute for Tropical and Subtropical Crops, Private Bag X11208, Nelspruit, 1200, South Africa

Abstract: Disinfectants are used in fruit pack house facilities to ensure good pack house hygiene and prevent postharvest disease development. Agrigold™, a copper compound, was tested as a bacterial and fungicidal disinfectant in pack houses on several subtropical crops and potatoes in South Africa. The product showed superior bactericidal efficacy and, when used in combination with a fungicide, could control postharvest fungi to extend shelf life and maintain fruit quality. Additionally, it enhanced the efficacy of fungicides that contained the active ingredients imazalil sulphate and prochloraz. Results showed that Agrigold's efficacy as a disinfectant was not dependent on pH, compatible with two fungicides commonly used for postharvest microorganism control and had a low environmental impact. The latter product could therefore be added to the range of disinfectants available to optimise the control of postharvest diseases of potato and various fruits.

Keywords: Agrigold; copper compounds; bacterial disinfectants; fungicidal disinfectants; Erwinia rot; anthracnose; green mould; subtropical crops; potatoes; bactericidal efficacy; fruit pack houses; pack house hygiene; postharvest disease; South Africa; postharvest fungi; shelf life; fruit quality; microorganism control; environmental impact.

DOI: 10.1504/IJPTI.2015.072444

International Journal of Postharvest Technology and Innovation, 2015 Vol.5 No.1, pp.32 - 41

Received: 16 Jan 2014
Accepted: 30 Mar 2015

Published online: 13 Oct 2015 *

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