Title: Generation Y male cosmetic consumption patterns: regression modelling
Authors: Syriac Nellikunnel; Abdul Rahman; Arif Jawaid; Lim Eng Sim
Addresses: Linton University College, Batu12, Mantin 71700, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia ' Linton University College, Batu12, Mantin 71700, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia ' Linton University College, Batu12, Mantin 71700, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia ' Linton University College, Batu12, Mantin 71700, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia
Abstract: This study examines the key factors influencing the Generation Y (Gen-Y) male consumption patterns towards male cosmetic products: namely packaging, self-image, brand image and celebrity endorsement in Malaysia. These factors play a vital role in Gen-Y cosmetic buying behaviour based upon the latest research evidence. To examine this further, a reasonable amount of data was collected from 150 respondents who were selected through the convenience and purposive sampling methods using a questionnaire. Correlation and regression were used to analyse the relationships between the impelling factors and the Gen-Y men's consumption patterns toward male cosmetic products. The study confirmed that the above factors prompt and motivate Gen-Y to buy the products. This study will contribute greatly to the existing literature on the Malaysian cosmetic market. It will also help to understand consumer perceptions for further improvement of marketing strategies. The model proposed will have a substantial impact on the strategy formulation and implementation in the cosmetic industry and enable organisations to carve out sustainable models of customer acquisition and retention. The limitations of the study are its exclusive focus on Gen-Y, inability to consider the baby boomers and Gen-X, and targeting specific geographical area alone.
Keywords: Generation Y; Gen-Y; consumption patterns; regression modelling; cosmetic industry; Malaysia; male cosmetics; male cosmetic products; consumer perceptions; marketing strategies.
DOI: 10.1504/IJMOM.2015.072675
International Journal of Modelling in Operations Management, 2015 Vol.5 No.2, pp.154 - 176
Received: 27 Jun 2015
Accepted: 27 Aug 2015
Published online: 23 Oct 2015 *