Title: An augmented reality tool to validate the assembly sequence of a discrete product
Authors: Gilberto Osorio-Gómez; Roberto Viganò; Juan Carlos Arbeláez
Addresses: Department of Product Design Engineering, Design Engineering Research Group (GRID), Universidad EAFIT, Colombia ' Mechanical Engineering Department, Politecnico di Milano, Italy ' Design Engineering Research Group (GRID), Universidad EAFIT, Colombia
Abstract: The need for more flexible tools and reduction of time and cost has led to the implementation of augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) techniques in the product design and development process. Those techniques have already been used in the conceptual, manufacturing and assembly stages of product design instead of or in extension of the physical prototypes. Such virtual applications have demonstrated superior performance in assembly process design and evaluation of activities that present information about different assembly states in real time, thanks to their flexibility in manipulating and creating new working scenarios. Here, the development of an AR application, called PoliART, aimed at the visual evaluation of assembly sequences at early stages of design is presented. At an industrial level this allows collaborative work between designers and manufacturing engineers from the very beginning in order to consider assembly devices, times and resources, with a short implementation time and reduced costs.
Keywords: augmented reality; authoring tools; assembly sequences; evaluation tool; assembly sequence analysis; ASA; computer aided engineering; CAE; visual evaluation; collaboration.
DOI: 10.1504/IJCAET.2016.073263
International Journal of Computer Aided Engineering and Technology, 2016 Vol.8 No.1/2, pp.164 - 178
Published online: 30 Nov 2015 *
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