Title: Exergy analysis of energy efficient power generation system
Authors: N. Shankar Ganesh; T. Srinivas
Addresses: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kingston Engineering College, Vellore – 632059, India ' CO2 Research and Green Technologies Centre, Energy Division, School of Mechanical and Building Sciences, Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT) University, Vellore – 632014, India
Abstract: With the exergy efficiency, the performance of the entire power generation circuit could be assessed. Thermodynamic development and assessment for a high temperature Kalina cycle system (HTKCS) suitable up to 550°C with an improved heat recovery has been focused in this paper. The work develops a simple and new method for thermodynamic evaluation of an environmental friendly system. The exergy evaluation of the system proves the identity of losses in the components and provides way for minimising it. The exergy efficiency has been found as 66% with separator temperature and MXR1 vapour mass ratio as parameters, 59% with separator temperature and ammonia-water mixture concentration difference (CD) as parameters and 64% with turbine concentration and CD. By the variation in the composition of component mixtures and with suitable parametric variations, the losses from the turbine and heat recovery vapour generator claim to be 13% and 11.8% respectively.
Keywords: high temperature Kalina cycle system; HTKCS; exergy analysis; energy efficiency; power generation systems; thermodynamics; vapour absorption; heat recovery; exergy efficiency.
DOI: 10.1504/IJETP.2015.073796
International Journal of Energy Technology and Policy, 2015 Vol.11 No.3, pp.234 - 245
Received: 15 Feb 2015
Accepted: 12 May 2015
Published online: 22 Dec 2015 *