Title: The dynamic linkages between sociocultural values and successful business development and performance: case study of Mourid entrepreneurs in Senegal
Authors: Alpha Ayande; Vincent Sabourin
Addresses: Strategy Execution Research Group, Department of Business Strategy ESG/UQÀM, University of Québec at Montréal Canada, 315 rue Sainte Catherine East, Montréal Québec H3X 3X2, Canada ' Strategy Execution Research Group, Department of Business Strategy ESG/UQÀM, University of Québec at Montréal Canada, 315 rue Sainte Catherine East, Montréal Québec H3X 3X2, Canada
Abstract: This empirical study shows the influence of the socio-cultural values and religious beliefs of Mourid entrepreneurs on their managerial practices, which underpin success and performance when developing their businesses. The study found that successful business development and performance of Mourid entrepreneurs depends on the intensity of both the level of adherence within the religious community for getting support from its members (INT), and the level of impregnation of sociocultural values of Mouridism, when running day-to-day business activities (IMP). This study also found that levels of adherence within the religious community, as well as the impregnation of sociocultural values of Mouridism by the Mourid business owner, provide the company with substantial benefits in terms of market acquisition and the strengthening of its business network as well as the improvement of its financial viability.
Keywords: entrepreneurship; culture; business strategy; innovation; religious communities; management practices; sociocultural values; business development; business performance; case study; Mourid entrepreneurs; Senegal; religious beliefs; religion; Mouridism; market acquisition; business networks; financial viability.
DOI: 10.1504/JIBED.2016.074022
Journal for International Business and Entrepreneurship Development, 2016 Vol.9 No.1, pp.41 - 61
Published online: 03 Jan 2016 *
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