Title: Alliance strategy in an R&D energy sector project: a knowledge-based view perspective
Authors: Rhian Indradewa; Jann Hidajat Tjakraatmadja; Wawan Dhewanto
Addresses: School of Business and Management, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Jl.Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132, West Java, Indonesia ' School of Business and Management, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Jl.Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132, West Java, Indonesia ' School of Business and Management, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Jl.Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132, West Java, Indonesia
Abstract: This paper introduces a model for managing, transferring and protecting knowledge in alliance contractual research and in a development project between energy companies in developed and developing countries. This paper uses qualitative research conducted through a literature review, interviews, observations and an archival study. One finding of this research is that Pertamina, an energy company in a developing country, is attempting to increase its added value and competitive advantage by leveraging its resources and its unique knowledge through contractual alliances in research and development projects. The company's activities are divided into three phases. First was the pre-project phase, in which partners were selected based on the following factors: competence, capability, experience and expertise. In the project phase, the following innovation activities were performed: technology transfer, technology support in knowledge management, knowledge sharing and absorptive capacity. The post-project phase commercialised innovation based on knowledge and intellectual property rights and innovativeness.
Keywords: alliance strategy; innovation management; knowledge-based view; KBV; R&D energy projects; research and development; knowledge management; knowledge transfer; knowledge protection; strategic alliances; technology transfer; technology support; knowledge sharing; absorptive capacity; intellectual property rights; IPR.
DOI: 10.1504/IJKMS.2015.074141
International Journal of Knowledge Management Studies, 2015 Vol.6 No.4, pp.337 - 352
Received: 24 Jul 2015
Accepted: 01 Sep 2015
Published online: 12 Jan 2016 *