Title: Students' competencies to educational activity in digital environment
Authors: Irena Pulak; Małgorzata Wieczorek-Tomaszewska
Addresses: Institute of Educational Sciences, Jesuit University of Philosophy and Education 'Ignatianum', Kopernika 26 st, 31-501 Cracow, Poland ' Department of Educational Technology and Media, Pedagogical University, Ingardena 4 st. 31-060 Cracow, Poland
Abstract: The paper presents the results of preliminary research aimed at the diagnosis of the level of competency of students beginning their academic education in the fields of social sciences and the humanities, concerning their preparation for activity in the digital learning environment. The present study took into account the skills of being active in the digital environment in terms of the educational process. For the purposes of the present study, the main areas of competency in the field of ICT were specified, in which the respondents rated the level of their skills. The distinguished areas of competency are the basis for proper functioning in the world of the new media and the process of lifelong learning. Information and digital competencies, analysed in the paper, are considered to be the elements of information culture understood as a sphere of human activity shaped by information awareness, values in support of the need for information literacy and attitudes that cause behaviour characteristic of information mature users, resulting from the interaction between the above-mentioned components of culture.
Keywords: lifelong learning; virutal learning environment; VLE; information competencies; information culture; digital literacy; information maturity; student competencies; social sciences; humanities; e-learning; electronic learning; online learning.
DOI: 10.1504/IJCEELL.2015.074232
International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Life-Long Learning, 2015 Vol.25 No.4, pp.450 - 465
Received: 21 Mar 2015
Accepted: 26 Mar 2015
Published online: 19 Jan 2016 *