Title: Nuclear magnetic resonance in magnetic nano-materials as an effective technique to test and/or to certificate local magnetic properties
Authors: Anna A. Shmyreva; Vladimir V. Matveev; Gleb Yu. Yurkov
Addresses: Physical Faculty, Saint-Petersburg State University, Ulyanovskaya st. 3, 198504, Saint-Petersburg, Russia ' Physical Faculty, Saint-Petersburg State University, Ulyanovskaya st. 3, 198504, Saint-Petersburg, Russia ' Physical Faculty, All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Aviation materials, Radio st., 17, 105005, Moscow, Russia
Abstract: The aim of the present paper concerns investigations of cobalt-containing nano-materials by means of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) technique. A comparison is made among the 59Co NMR spectra of nano-composites synthesised under different conditions and using different precursors. All studied nano-composite samples exhibit the hcp structure-type of α-Co and the existence of canted spins in the near-surface layers in spite of both the different type of stabilising matrixes and the proportion of Co-metal in the systems. The spectra analysis shows that the NMR method can be used for operative control and can lead to selection of the optimal conditions to design composite materials with desirable properties.
Keywords: nuclear magnetic resonance; NMR; magnetic nanomaterials; NMR-in-magnetics; spin echo; local magnetic properties; nanotechnology; cobalt; nanocomposites; composite materials design.
International Journal of Nanotechnology, 2016 Vol.13 No.1/2/3, pp.126 - 135
Published online: 04 Feb 2016 *
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