Title: The performance measurement of innovation and competitiveness in the telecommunications services sector
Authors: Lissandro Dorneles Dalla Nora; Julio Cezar Mairesse Siluk; Alvaro Luiz Neuenfeldt Júnior; Marlon Soliman; Elpidio Oscar Benitez Nara; João Carlos Furtado
Addresses: Post-Graduation Programme in Production Engineering, Federal University of Santa Maria, Avenue Roraima 1000, Buildind 7, Room 300, 97105-900, Santa Maria, Brazil ' Post-Graduation Programme in Production Engineering, Federal University of Santa Maria, Avenue Roraima 1000, Buildind 7, Room 300, 97105-900, Santa Maria, Brazil ' Post-Graduation Programme in Production Engineering, Federal University of Santa Maria, Avenue Roraima 1000, Buildind 7, Room 300, 97105-900, Santa Maria, Brazil ' Post-Graduation Programme in Production Engineering, Federal University of Santa Maria, Avenue Roraima 1000, Buildind 7, Room 300, 97105-900, Santa Maria, Brazil ' Industrial Systems and Processes Department, University of Santa Cruz do Sul, Avenue Independência, 2293, 96815-900, Santa Cruz do Sul, Brazil ' Industrial Systems and Processes Department, University of Santa Cruz do Sul, Avenue Independência, 2293, 96815-900, Santa Cruz do Sul, Brazil
Abstract: From the growing trend of the services sector participation in the Brazilian economic scenario, the demand for studies on this subject seek to deepen the understanding about the behaviour of the aspects that influence the occurrence of such evolution. Following this sense, the present study aimed to propose a diagnostic model to measure the performance of innovation and competitiveness in the telecommunications service sector, providing resources to develop strategies, in order to turn the company capable of acting in a position according to direct and indirect main competitors, being development guided by five factors: service production, technology, human resources, finance and marketing. Once constructed the model, the implementation proved to be valid, presenting itself as a practical tool to support managers and consultants in the overall assessment of the company, allowing also to analyse its performance situation regarding to the development of competitive forms of positioning.
Keywords: organisational innovation; telecommunications services; telecommunications industry; organisational competitiveness; performance measurement; corporate diagnosis; Brazil; service production; technology; human resources; finance; marketing.
DOI: 10.1504/IJBEX.2016.074844
International Journal of Business Excellence, 2016 Vol.9 No.2, pp.210 - 224
Received: 20 May 2014
Accepted: 02 Jul 2014
Published online: 21 Feb 2016 *