Title: A review on the state of methodological trends in international marketing literature
Authors: Sudhir Rana; Somesh Kumar Sharma
Addresses: Department of Management Studies, National Institute of Technology, Hamirpur Himachal Pradesh, 177005, India ' Adjunct Faculty, Department of Management Studies, National Institute of Technology Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh, 177005, India
Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to determine the use of research designs and analytical techniques in the literature related to international marketing. To assess the methodological trends, the authors attempted to develop a general conceptual framework for the international marketing research process and also classified methodologies to substantiate the state of the methodological domain in the international marketing literature. This study is conducted as a systematic review based on an assessment of papers on international marketing published in academic journals between 1990 and 2012. It was found that the methodological domain is still lacking a significant theoretical basis. The authors classified methodologies and adjudged the advancements thereon by perusing 1787 research papers published between 1990 and 2012. They considered the seven established research streams of international marketing and found that, on the whole, preference was skewed towards quantitative techniques - 1219 papers prioritised quantitative research designs and 568 qualitative research designs.
Keywords: international marketing; methodological domain; research designs; analytical techniques; literature review; quantitative research; qualitative research.
Journal for Global Business Advancement, 2016 Vol.9 No.1, pp.90 - 107
Received: 26 Sep 2014
Accepted: 21 Jun 2015
Published online: 23 Feb 2016 *