Title: Historical overview and demographic analysis of human trafficking in the USA
Authors: Hannah Michelle Martin; L. Murphy Smith
Addresses: Hutson School of Agriculture, Murray State University, Murray, KY 42071, USA ' Department of Accounting, Murray State University, 351 Business Building, Murray, KY 42071, USA
Abstract: This study examines factors associated with human trafficking in states of the USA. A better understanding of human trafficking can benefit anti-trafficking efforts of public administrators in governmental agencies, business organisations, and private citizens in non-governmental organisations. Findings indicate that locations with higher rates of corruption and higher population are associated with higher rates of human trafficking per capita. Anti-trafficking efforts, in the USA and other countries, could be more effective by focusing on such areas. In addition, a timeline is presented of key events in the history of slavery such as efforts by William Wilberforce that culminated with the abolition of slavery in the British Empire in the early 1800s to modern-day efforts by the Global Business Coalition Against Human Trafficking (gBCAT), Christian Solidarity International, Faith Alliance Against Slavery and Trafficking (FAAST), International Justice Mission, Polaris Project, Salvation Army, and World Relief.
Keywords: human trafficking; public policy; public administration; historical overview; demographic analysis; United States; USA; corruption; population; slavery.
DOI: 10.1504/IJPLAP.2015.075037
International Journal of Public Law and Policy, 2015 Vol.5 No.3, pp.219 - 248
Received: 22 Jul 2015
Accepted: 14 Aug 2015
Published online: 01 Mar 2016 *