Title: Comparison of alternative approaches of estimating above-ground tree biomass in a forest ecosystem of Turkey
Authors: Sedat Keleş
Addresses: Faculty of Forestry, Çankırı Karatekin University, 18100, Çankırı, Turkey
Abstract: This paper discusses different above-ground biomass estimation approaches in a forest ecosystem consisting of one tree species in Turkey. The first and second approaches are based on the use of growing stock volumes converted to above-ground biomass using forest type-level and species-specific biomass factors, respectively. The third and fourth approaches use different species-specific biomass regression equations. These equations used for estimating above-ground biomass are based on diameter at breast height in the first one, tree height as well as diameter at breast height in the second one. Results of above-ground biomass estimation approaches showed that more total above-ground biomass estimated in biomass expansion factors than that in biomass regression equations. It is concluded that species-specific biomass regression equations that are more practical, accurate and useful should be developed.
Keywords: forest ecosystems; above-ground biomass; regression modelling; biomass factors; climate change; global warming; carbon sequestration; forest protection; greenhouse gases; GHG emissions; tree biomass; Turkey; tree species.
International Journal of Global Warming, 2016 Vol.9 No.3, pp.397 - 406
Received: 16 Apr 2014
Accepted: 01 Nov 2014
Published online: 23 Mar 2016 *