Title: Multi objective optimisation of a Kalina power cycle integrated with parabolic trough solar collectors based on exergy and exergoeconomic concept
Authors: Fateme Ahmadi Boyaghchi; Mahboobe Sabaghian
Addresses: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Alzahra University, Deh-Vanak, Tehran, Iran ' Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Alzahra University, Deh-Vanak, Tehran, Iran
Abstract: The objective of this research is to assess the variation of exergoeconomic parameters and optimisation of a solar driven Kalina cycle. A thermal storage system and an auxiliary boiler are used to provide continuous power output when solar radiation is not sufficient. Ammonia basic concentration, turbine inlet pressure, turbine outlet pressure, evaporator inlet temperature, evaporator outlet temperature, and evaporator pinch temperature difference are selected as the decision variables owing to their significant effects on the energy and exergy efficiencies and unit cost of electricity. The results indicate that the collectors exhibit low exergy performance and do not play an important role on exergoeconomic performance. Then, the genetic algorithm-based optimisation is carried out to maximise the efficiencies and minimise the electricity production cost. The results demonstrate that the multi objective optimisation causes reduction of electricity production cost around 14% and enhancement the energy and exergy efficiencies within 8.5% and 6.7%, respectively.
Keywords: exergy efficiency; exergoeconomics; ammonia-water; solar energy; solar power; multi-objective optimisation; Kalina power cycle; parabolic trough solar collectors; thermal storage; auxiliary boilers; ammonia concentration; turbine inlet pressure; turbine outlet pressure; evaporator inlet temperature; evaporator outlet temperature; evaporator pinch temperature difference; energy efficiency; genetic algorithms.
DOI: 10.1504/IJETP.2016.075673
International Journal of Energy Technology and Policy, 2016 Vol.12 No.2, pp.154 - 180
Received: 09 Aug 2014
Accepted: 19 Mar 2015
Published online: 31 Mar 2016 *