Title: Experimental investigation on rotary ultrasonic grinding machining surface morphology of Al2O3 ceramics based on fractal dimension
Authors: Shiliang Wei; Hong Zhao; Juntao Jing
Addresses: College of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering, Harbin Engineering University, 145 NanTong Road, Harbin 154001, China ' College of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering, Harbin Engineering University, 145 NanTong Road, Harbin 154001, China ' Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tsinghua University, 2502, 9003 Building, Beijing 100084, China
Abstract: Rotary ultrasonic grinding machining (RUGM) can realise higher surface integrity for Al2O3 ceramics. However, the surface morphology characteristics is different from the metal materials due to material removal mechanism. Experimental investigation on RUGM surface morphology of Al2O3 was carried out. The shape self-similarity and statistical self-similarity were proved for RUGM surface morphology of Al2O3 ceramics through the experimental results analysis, so the surface morphology can be investigated with fractal dimension. The change rule and the relationship between fractal dimension surface morphology and the process parameters were also investigated. The experimental results indicate that the fractal dimension of grinding surface morphology is bigger than that of RUGM when the feed rate and grinding height change. Moreover, the fractal dimension is associated with cutting force. The cutting force is small while the fractal dimension is big, then the surface morphology is relatively complex, ups and downs variations of surface morphology are notable.
Keywords: rotary ultrasonic grinding machining; RUGM; surface morphology; Al2O3; alumina; aluminum oxide; ceramics; fractal dimension; feed rate; grinding height; cutting force.
International Journal of Nanomanufacturing, 2016 Vol.12 No.1, pp.15 - 27
Received: 23 Nov 2014
Accepted: 19 Nov 2015
Published online: 27 Apr 2016 *