Title: Effects of raw material composition of tung (Vernicia Montana) and jatropha (Jatropha Curcas L) oil methyl esters on their fuel properties: a comparative study in fuel quality perspectives
Authors: Gopinath Anantharaman; Sairam Krishnamurthy; Velraj Ramalingam
Addresses: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Institute of Energy Studies, Anna University, Chennai – 600025, India ' Department of Mechanical Engineering, Institute of Energy Studies, Anna University, Chennai – 600025, India ' Department of Mechanical Engineering, Institute of Energy Studies, Anna University, Chennai – 600025, India
Abstract: The effect of raw material (fatty acid) composition of tung oil methyl ester (TME) and jatropha oil methyl ester (JME) on their fuel properties was investigated. TME and JME contain high amount of unsaturated fatty acids. TME consists of larger amount of elaeostearic acid while JME contains higher amount of oleic and linoleic acids. The quality characteristics of feedstocks were also investigated. The allylic and bis-allylic position equivalents were calculated and related with oxidation stability. The measured properties were compared with EN 14214, ASTM D6751, and IS 15607 standard specifications. Results showed that JME met more of the standard specifications than TME. From the study, it was found that the biodiesel properties are significantly influenced by the fatty acid composition of parent oils. [Received: May 24, 2014; Accepted: November 18, 2014]
Keywords: allylic position equivalents; APE; bis-allylic position equivalents; BAPE; biodiesel properties; biodiesel quality; biodiesel standards; fatty acids; fatty acid composition; jatropha oil methyl ester; JME; tung oil methyl ester; TME; raw materials; Vernicia Montana; Jatropha Curcas L; biofuels; fuel quality; elaeostearic acid; oleic acid; linoleic acid.
DOI: 10.1504/IJOGCT.2016.076537
International Journal of Oil, Gas and Coal Technology, 2016 Vol.12 No.2, pp.210 - 230
Received: 29 May 2014
Accepted: 18 Nov 2014
Published online: 12 May 2016 *