Title: Energy and exergy analyses of a new solar air heater with circular-type turbulators having different relief angles
Authors: Adem Acır; İsmail Ata; İzzet Şahin
Addresses: Faculty of Technology, Department of Energy Systems Engineering, Gazi University, Teknikokullar, Ankara 06500, Turkey ' Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Gazi University, Ankara 06500, Turkey ' Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Gazi University, Ankara 06500, Turkey
Abstract: In this study, energy and exergy analyses of a new SAHs with circular-type turbulators are performed. Experiments are conducted for 0.0023, 0.0033, 0.0044 and 0.0055 kg/s, respectively. While the energy efficiency values are obtained between 28.6% and 79.5%, the exergy efficiency values are calculated between 8.1% and 42.4%. Type II, which has 45° obstacle relief angle and 0.0055 kg/s mass flow rate, shows the highest energy and exergy efficiencies among all the considered cases. The lowest energy and exergy efficiencies are obtained in Type I case, which has no obstacles and has a 0.0023 kg/s mass flow rate. According to the uncertainty analyses that are made, uncertainties of energy efficiencies are obtained between 0.53% and 1.06% whereas uncertainties for exergy efficiencies are varied between 0.27% and 5.4% for all the investigated cases. In addition, the obtained energy and exergy efficiency results are compared with results given in the literature.
Keywords: energy analysis; exergy analysis; circular turbulators; relief angles; solar air heaters; uncertainty; solar energy; solar power; energy efficiency; exergy efficiency; mass flow rate.
International Journal of Exergy, 2016 Vol.20 No.1, pp.85 - 104
Received: 03 Oct 2014
Accepted: 26 May 2015
Published online: 20 May 2016 *