Title: Impact of Islamic values on HRM practices: an empirical study of Jordanian universities
Authors: Hayel T. Ababneh; Alex Avramenko
Addresses: Department of Business Administration, Al Al-Bayt University, Jordan ' Dundee Business School, Aberaty University, Scotland, UK
Abstract: This study aims to present an in-depth theoretical and practical analysis of HRM practice in light of Islamic values and principles. Besides establishing a theoretical base for the influence of Islam on HRM, it analyses the key characteristics of HRM practices in Islam and investigates the extent to which Islamic values are embedded in that practice. The paper draws on a structured questionnaire distributed to 500 respondents working in four Jordanian universities which sought to elicit the respondents' views. The findings indicate that diffusion of Islamic values into HRM practice varies between the participating organisations and that Islamic values are being practiced explicitly, albeit to a limited extent. Due to insufficient literature addressing the role of spirituality and/or religion in shaping the working of contemporary organisations, this paper assesses the extent of the absorption of religious values into the management of human resources.
Keywords: Islam; human resource management; Jordan; Islamic values; HRM practices; universities; higher education; spirituality; religion; religious values.
DOI: 10.1504/IJBEX.2016.077625
International Journal of Business Excellence, 2016 Vol.10 No.1, pp.1 - 19
Received: 18 Oct 2014
Accepted: 29 Nov 2014
Published online: 07 Jul 2016 *