Title: Green and sustainability corporate initiatives: a case study of goods and services design
Authors: Alan D. Smith; Onyebuchi F. Offodile
Addresses: Department of Marketing, Robert Morris University, Pittsburgh, PA 15219-3099, USA ' Department of Management and Information Systems, Kent State University, Kent, OH 44242-001, USA
Abstract: Competitive firms have achieved significant success through their product and service design strategies by combining operational lean practices with green-based strategic initiatives. Although lean typically drive green practices, they need not be mutually exclusive. This study showcased three global firms with headquarters in Pittsburgh, PA (e.g., FedEx, H.J. Heinz Company, PPG Industries) that have obtained a competitive advantage with their products and services. Special attention was given to the green production initiatives currently underway inside these organisations. An overview of each firm will be presented as well as specific design methods and techniques used by the firms. A number of research propositions that would be appropriate for further study and research concerning the roles that strategic management, team integration, GSCM-based initiatives, and implementations can play in new product development and corporate sustainability. These initiatives, both in terms of radical and incremental product innovations, are typically based on a leaner and greener supplier partnerships.
Keywords: business strategy; ecofriendly strategies; green marketing; green SCM; supply chain management; GSCM; manufacturability; triple bottom-line; 3BL; green initiatives; sustainability initiatives; case study; service design; services; green manufacturing; FedEx; H.J. Heinz Company; PPG Industries; strategic management; team integration; lean practices; NPD; new product development; corporate sustainability; radical innovation; incremental innovation; product innovation; product design.
DOI: 10.1504/IJPMB.2016.077626
International Journal of Process Management and Benchmarking, 2016 Vol.6 No.3, pp.273 - 299
Received: 13 Aug 2014
Accepted: 05 Mar 2015
Published online: 07 Jul 2016 *