Title: Electronic health record system: adoption and influencing factors
Authors: Maha Al Abdullah; Anas A. Al Bakri
Addresses: Business College, Middle East University (MEU), Jordan ' Department of Management and Marketing (DMM), College of Business and Economics (CBE), Qatar University (QU), Qatar
Abstract: The study identified the technological factors, which encourage or limit the adoption of EHR systems in private hospitals in Jordan. The study also, examined the relationship of adoption of EHR to specific hospital characteristics and factors that reported to be barriers to or facilitators of adoption. This study used both descriptive and analytical analysis. Based on responses from 78.9% of hospitals surveyed in Jordan, respondents mentioned that capital requirements, high maintenance costs, and technological factors as the primary barriers of EHR implementation and adoption. The study concluded that the very low levels of adoption of EHRs in private hospitals in Jordan suggest that policymakers face substantial obstacles to the achievement of healthcare performance goals that depend on HIS. A policy strategy focused on financial support, interoperability, and training of technical support staff may be necessary to spur adoption of HIS and EHR in the Jordanian hospitals.
Keywords: electronic health records; EHRs; health information systems; HIS; technological factors; healthcare performance; capital requirements; maintenance costs; technology adoption; private hospitals; Jordan; financial support; interoperability; training.
DOI: 10.1504/IJEIM.2016.077961
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, 2016 Vol.20 No.3/4, pp.200 - 213
Received: 12 Oct 2015
Accepted: 12 Oct 2015
Published online: 26 Jul 2016 *