Title: The attractiveness of Qatar to foreign direct investment: a multivariate analysis
Authors: Fawazi M Al-Khatib
Addresses: Department of Business Administration, Qatar University, Doha, Qatar.
Abstract: The mechanism of foreign direct investment and its impact on development is still a controversial issue. The level of benefits and of costs for FDI vary among countries and depend, among other things, on economic structures, social environments, general investment climates, technology base and legal frameworks. This paper investigates investment climate and its determinants in Qatar and to examine whether these factor are similarly perceived by government officials and foreign investors. A questionnaire was designed and a survey was conducted by the author using a random sample of 320 investors. Factor analysis was used to reduce 30 variables to manageable coefficients using component analysis and Varimax rotation. In addition, multiple discriminant analysis was used to test if there are any differences between domestic and foreign investors.
Keywords: Qatar; foreign direct investment; FDI; multivariate analysis.
DOI: 10.1504/JIBED.2003.007802
Journal for International Business and Entrepreneurship Development, 2003 Vol.1 No.1, pp.1 - 13
Published online: 23 Sep 2005 *
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