Title: Internet banking: competitive environment and consumer perspectives
Authors: Hormoz Movassaghi, Fahri Unsal, Abraham Mulugetta
Addresses: Ithaca College, USA. ' Ithaca College, USA. ' Ithaca College, USA
Abstract: This paper reviews the recent developments in Internet banking activities both in United States and abroad. It examines the type of services offered, the competitive dynamics between banks and brokerage firms, and the strategic alliances formed in pursuit of market share enhancement. Findings of an empirical study of Internet banking consumers in the United States are also discussed. Results confirm findings of earlier studies of Internet banking consumers in terms of the profile of the early adopters, their concerns, and satisfaction. The study sheds light on consumers| propensity to purchase other types of services, besides banking, that are increasingly added to the menu of product offerings.
Keywords: internet banking; electronic banking; e-banking; online banking; web-based banking; banking services; banks; brokerage firms; strategic alliances; banking consumers; product offerings.
DOI: 10.1504/JIBED.2003.007825
Journal for International Business and Entrepreneurship Development, 2003 Vol.1 No.2, pp.36 - 44
Published online: 25 Sep 2005 *
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