Title: Grinding force performance with different types of grinding fluids based on a semi-empirical force model
Authors: Guoxu Yin; Ioan D. Marinescu; Michael C. Weismiller
Addresses: Department of Manufacturing, Industrial and Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Toledo, 1610 N. Westwood, Toledo OH 43607, USA ' Department of Manufacturing, Industrial and Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Toledo, 1610 N. Westwood, Toledo OH 43607, USA ' Master Chemical Corporation, 501 West Boundary, Perrysburg 43551 OH, USA
Abstract: In the present paper, a semi-empirical grinding force model is developed combined with the achievements of previous researchers by composing effects of normal and tangential grinding forces in two main parts respectively: cutting force and sliding force. This model is used to predict the total normal and tangential force in the surface grinding. These force components were expressed in terms of the grinding process parameters such as wheel speed, workpiece feed rate, width of the workpiece and depth of cut. There are four unknown coefficients in each equation which can be determined by experiment results at specific conditions with the variations of grinding process parameters. Four different water-based grinding fluids were tested for different specific grinding conditions. The calculated normal and tangential grinding results are compared with the experimental ones. To have a better agreement with experiment data, shallow grinding condition is chosen to obtain the modified model.
Keywords: grinding fluids; grinding force modelling; specific energy; cutting force; sliding force; shallow grinding; wheel speed; workpiece feed rate; workpiece width; depth of cut; surface grinding.
International Journal of Abrasive Technology, 2016 Vol.7 No.3, pp.167 - 186
Received: 04 Feb 2015
Accepted: 02 Oct 2015
Published online: 14 Aug 2016 *