Title: Examing the relationship between website visits and purchase intentions for internet shoppers: implications for international marketers
Authors: Jason MacDonald, Mohammad Niamat Elahee
Addresses: Boise State University, USA. ' Quinnipiac University, USA
Abstract: This paper examines possible determinants of the frequency with which consumers visit websites for high-involvement products. A path model of website visit frequency is tested using Amos 4.0. The main predictors in the model were purchase intentions and social motives. Social motives refer to desires to gather pertinent information about a product that will enable the browser to socialise with others. Analyses of the results suggest that social motives have a greater affect than purchase intentions on the frequency with which consumers visit websites.
Keywords: website visits; purchase intentions; internet shoppers; online shopping; international marketing; international business; social motives; online consumers; product search.
DOI: 10.1504/JIBED.2003.007829
Journal for International Business and Entrepreneurship Development, 2003 Vol.1 No.2, pp.69 - 75
Published online: 25 Sep 2005 *
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