Title: Managing computer disasters through contingency planning: a comparative study of Indian and multinational software companies.
Authors: Subhash Kundu
Addresses: Guru Jambeshwar University, India
Abstract: An effort has been made in this study to find out the human, organisational, and technological context in which an organisation operates and how organisations are developing or incorporating systems of contingency planning for managing computer disasters. For this purpose, primary data was gathered with the help of a questionnaire from executives of software companies. The variables relating to contingency planning were analysed by applying factor analysis and mean scores. The data regarding disasters was analysed by using the percentage method.
Keywords: computer disasters; disaster management; emergency management; contingency planning; India; multinational corporations; software companies; crisis management; information systems; information technology.
DOI: 10.1504/JIBED.2003.007830
Journal for International Business and Entrepreneurship Development, 2003 Vol.1 No.2, pp.76 - 84
Published online: 25 Sep 2005 *
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