Title: Noise reduction techniques using particle filters in brain computer interface systems
Authors: Hojong Choi; Daehee Lee; Wansu Lim; Yeon-Mo Yang
Addresses: Department of Medical IT Convergence Engineering, Kumoh National Institute of Technology, Gumi, Gyeongbuk, 730-701, South Korea ' Department of Electronic Engineering, Kumoh National Institute of Technology, Gumi, Gyeongbuk, 730-701, South Korea ' Department of Electronic Engineering, Kumoh National Institute of Technology, Gumi, Gyeongbuk, 730-701, South Korea ' Department of Electronic Engineering, Kumoh National Institute of Technology, Gumi, Gyeongbuk, 730-701, South Korea
Abstract: This paper describes a particle filter design to reduce non-Gaussian noise for classification improvement in brain computer interface (BCI) systems. The particle filter is a type of non-parametric filter that can find samples repeatedly if there is nonlinear and inaccurate information in the system. In order to verify the performance improvement using the particle filter, we simulated data in a nonlinear BCI system. The algorithms of the common spatial filtering (CSP) for maximising the class variance differences, linear discriminant analysis (LDA) for reducing the dimension number in data analysis, and support vector machine (SVM) for statistical data classification using hyperlanes were used. When using the particle filter in the motor imagery class from the BCI system, the data was more accurately categorised in the data class. Therefore, we confirm the significant classification improvement from the line of the demarcation and focal planes when using the particle filter in the motor imagery class from the BCI system.
Keywords: brain computer interface; nonlinear BCI; particle filters; common spatial filtering; linear discriminant analysis; LDA; support vector machines; SVM; noise reduction; simulation; motor imagery.
DOI: 10.1504/IJTMCP.2016.078431
International Journal of Telemedicine and Clinical Practices, 2016 Vol.1 No.4, pp.360 - 371
Received: 28 May 2015
Accepted: 18 Dec 2015
Published online: 17 Aug 2016 *