Title: Alignment of new product development and product innovation strategies: a case study of Thai food and beverage SMEs
Authors: Preecha Chaochotechuang; Stefania Mariano
Addresses: The Institute for Knowledge and Innovation Southeast Asia (IKI-SEA), Business School of Bangkok University, Bangkok, Thailand ' The Institute for Knowledge and Innovation Southeast Asia (IKI-SEA), Business School of Bangkok University, Bangkok, Thailand
Abstract: This paper investigates the state of practice of product innovation management in the new product development (NPD) process in Thai food and beverage small and medium enterprises (SMEs). These SMEs play a major role in the Thai economy and yet little is known about their innovation management for NPD. Inspired by a relevant existing theoretical model, the current exploratory research collects data from 20 case organisations. Results reveal that: (1) top executives are mainly responsible for NPD projects; (2) barriers to developing products include lack of technology, financial resources, workforce's skills, and restrictive local laws; (3) to overcome these barriers and also to enhance their competitiveness, SMEs mainly adopt networking, resource-based, knowledge-based, open innovation, and technology buy/make strategies. We discuss these findings, provide implications for theory and practice, and suggest future research directions.
Keywords: food and beverage industry; food and drinks industry; globalisation; innovation strategies; new product development; NPD; new product innovation; NPI; SMEs; case study; Thailand; innovation management; small and medium-sized enterprises.
DOI: 10.1504/IJGSB.2016.078821
International Journal of Globalisation and Small Business, 2016 Vol.8 No.2, pp.179 - 206
Received: 23 Sep 2015
Accepted: 05 Jul 2016
Published online: 02 Sep 2016 *