Title: Nuclear knowledge portal for supporting licensing and controlling nuclear activities in the Brazilian Nuclear Energy Commission
Authors: E. Gomes, F. Braga
Addresses: International Relations Office, Brazilian Nuclear Energy Commission (CNEN), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. ' Nuclear Information Centre, Brazilian Nuclear Energy Commission (CNEN), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Abstract: The knowledge economy is pivotal for moving the wealth and development of traditional industrial sectors – abundant in manual labour, raw materials and capital – to areas whose products, processes and services are rich in technology and knowledge. Even in research areas such as nuclear energy, where goods are based on high technology, the ability to transform information into knowledge, and knowledge into decisions and actions, is extremely important. Therefore, the value of products from these areas depends more and more on the degree of innovation, technology and intelligence incorporated by them. Thus, it has become increasingly important and relevant to acquire strategic knowledge and make it available to the organisation. Therefore, the objective of this paper is to present the construction of a Nuclear Knowledge Portal for aiding and streamlining the Licensing and Management activities of the CNEN.
Keywords: knowledge management; nuclear knowledge; portals; Brazil; nuclear power; nuclear energy; nuclear science; nuclear technology; training; retraining; information dissemination.
DOI: 10.1504/IJNKM.2005.007886
International Journal of Nuclear Knowledge Management, 2005 Vol.1 No.3, pp.244 - 254
Published online: 29 Sep 2005 *
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