Title: Green logistics as urban transportation category
Authors: Luciana Oranges Cezarino; Débora Borges Tavares; Tânia Regina Brasileiro Azevedo Teixeira
Addresses: Federal University of Uberlandia – UFU, Brazil 2121, João Naves de Ávila Av., B. Santa Mônica – Uberlândia – MG, 38.408-100, Brazil ' Federal University of Uberlandia – UFU, Brazil 2121, João Naves de Ávila Av., B. Santa Mônica – Uberlândia – MG, 38.408-100, Brazil ' Federal University of Uberlandia – UFU, Brazil 2121, João Naves de Ávila Av., B. Santa Mônica – Uberlândia – MG, 38.408-100, Brazil
Abstract: The aim of this paper is to investigate green logistics as a predetermined theory category. By bibliographic research, the study presents, describes and relates the concept of green logistics approaching theory and practices specialists with urban transportation categories. The results show that green logistics is less associated than expected.
Keywords: green logistics; urban transport; sustainable logistics; sustainability; sustainable development; cities.
DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2016.078919
International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management, 2016 Vol.25 No.2, pp.283 - 294
Received: 04 Apr 2015
Accepted: 16 Jul 2015
Published online: 05 Sep 2016 *