Title: Research progress in alliance stability: a content and comparative analysis of the English- and Chinese-language literature
Authors: Hui Li; Shi-You Qu; Christopher M. Scherpereel
Addresses: School of Management, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China ' School of Management, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China ' The W. A. Franke College of Business, Northern Arizona University, P.O. Box 15066, Flagstaff, AZ 86011-5066, USA
Abstract: In an era of globalisation, to publish a research article in a language other than English can significantly diminish its impact. While, in many fields of study, there is no need to look beyond the English-language literature, in emerging fields or in fields where a specific country may have more interest, investigation of local language literature may significantly increase our understanding. We find this to be the case with the alliance stability literature. Our research offers a review, classification, and organising scheme for the different affecting factors and operation mechanisms found in the alliance stability literature. We offer a more detailed understanding of the research progress by highlighting longitudinal differences. Finally, we note promising avenues for future research on alliance stability; specifically, focusing on affecting factors, operation mechanisms, evolution, and performance of alliances.
Keywords: academic community; alliance stability; comparative analysis; research progress; strategic alliances; English language literature; Chinese language literature; research papers.
DOI: 10.1504/IJSBA.2016.079384
International Journal of Strategic Business Alliances, 2016 Vol.5 No.2, pp.110 - 132
Received: 16 Jan 2016
Accepted: 02 Jul 2016
Published online: 27 Sep 2016 *