Title: Reduction of whiplash injury in rear-end automotive collision using linear damping seat
Authors: K. Alkhulaifi; M. Alardhi; J. Alrajhi; Yousef Alhouli; A. Abed
Addresses: Department of Automotive & Marine Engineering, College of Technological Studies, Public Authority of Applied Education and Training-Kuwait, PO 42325 El-Shuwaikh 70654, Kuwait ' Department of Automotive & Marine Engineering, College of Technological Studies, Public Authority of Applied Education and Training-Kuwait, PO 42325 El-Shuwaikh 70654, Kuwait ' Department of Automotive & Marine Engineering, College of Technological Studies, Public Authority of Applied Education and Training-Kuwait, PO 42325 El-Shuwaikh 70654, Kuwait ' Department of Automotive & Marine Engineering, College of Technological Studies, Public Authority of Applied Education and Training-Kuwait, PO 42325 El-Shuwaikh 70654, Kuwait ' Department of Automotive & Marine Engineering, College of Technological Studies, Public Authority of Applied Education and Training-Kuwait, PO 42325 El-Shuwaikh 70654, Kuwait
Abstract: Automotive rear-end collisions cause neck injuries. This has become a major problem in traffic safety over the last two decades. The situation calls for more research in the field. The damping seat slide is one area of interest which is used for reducing neck injury. To reduce neck injury (whiplash), based upon new biomechanical research, the motion between head and torso should be reduced. In case of a rear-end impact, a new seat will slide backwards during the impact, which allows the motion to damp. Working Model software was used first to simulate and analyse the behaviour of the new system. Also, a test rig was developed for experimental purposes. The results show occupant protection increases with the new damping seat slide by reducing the neck injury criterion by 35%.
Keywords: neck injuries; automotive collisions; rear collisions; whiplash injuries; NIC; neck injury criteria; linear damping seats; vehicle safety; damping seat slide; biomechanics; rear-end impact; motion damping; simulation; occupant protection.
International Journal of Vehicle Safety, 2016 Vol.9 No.2, pp.159 - 165
Accepted: 26 Feb 2016
Published online: 07 Oct 2016 *