Title: Adopting an integrated catchment-based management approach for Putrajaya Lake and Wetlands
Authors: Akashah Majizat; Badlishah Ahmad; Normaliza Noordin; Zati Sharip
Addresses: Eco Development Facilities Sdn. Bhd., No 8, Jalan Putra 6, Putra Kajang Business Center, 43000 Kajang, Selangor, Malaysia ' Putrajaya International Convention Centre Sdn. Bhd., Dataran Gemilang Presint 5, 62000 Putrajaya, Malaysia ' Environment, Lake and Wetland Section, Department of City Planning, Putrajaya Corporation, 24 Persiaran Perdana, 62675 Putrajaya, Malaysia ' Lake Research Unit, Research Centre for Water Quality and Environment, National Hydraulic Research Institute of Malaysia, Lot 5377 Jalan Putra Permai, 43300 Seri Kembangan, Selangor, Malaysia
Abstract: The Federal Government of Malaysia's new administrative centre, Putrajaya, is being developed with a garden concept comprising an artificial lake and wetlands to balance the rapidly changing ecosystem and alleviate the impact of urbanisation on the former rubber and palm oil plantations. This newly transformed urban ecosystem will accommodate and enhance the city's estimated future population of 300,000 people. The urbanisation involving the development of residential, government office and commercial complexes, will inevitably have an impact on the surrounding environment. The development of Putrajaya Lake and wetlands over an area of 600 hectares will create a balanced biogenic environment and subsequently advocate the importance of urban eco-hydrological management systems within catchments. This paper reviews the adoption of a new integrated catchments management approach through the example of Putrajaya in order to realise the desired level of ecosystem service and the water quality resulting from the environment.
Keywords: catchment management; constructed wetlands; eco-hydrology; ecosystem management; Putrajaya; recreational lakes; Malaysia; integrated catchment; artificial lakes; urbanisation; urban ecosystems; cities; water quality.
International Journal of Water, 2016 Vol.10 No.4, pp.343 - 358
Received: 16 Aug 2014
Accepted: 10 Feb 2015
Published online: 10 Oct 2016 *