Title: Investigating the discourse of ICT-mediated instruction: creative research to the use and effectiveness of ICT tools in primary English
Authors: Wooyoung Park
Addresses: Department of Practical English, World Cyber College, 90 Taejae-ro Opo-eup, Gwangju-shi, Gyeonggi-Province 12771, South Korea
Abstract: Although prior research has abundantly revealed the types and methods of applicable hard/software in accordance with the different purposes of language classrooms, the quality of discourse manifested in those information and communications technologies (ICT)-mediated teaching contexts is still unexplored. This study, therefore, provides a detailed sequential analysis of the utterances in ICT-mediated instruction in Korean primary English classrooms. This approach is differentiated from the existing mainstream of research, which takes the top-down process to the ICT-mediated language classrooms. The result of the study reveals that the enriched content of ICT tools was effective in terms of promoting students' interests and motivation, but the teachers did not seem to efficiently maintain the students' participation. This finding will contribute to enlarging the scope of ICT-related research and developing effective interactional practices of ICT-mediated language teaching and learning.
Keywords: classroom discourse; primary English instruction; interactional practices; ICT mediation; language classrooms; language learning; primary education; information and communications technology; information technology; technology-enhanced learning; South Korea; student participation; student motivation.
International Journal of Knowledge and Learning, 2016 Vol.11 No.2/3, pp.97 - 111
Received: 23 Oct 2015
Accepted: 29 Mar 2016
Published online: 13 Oct 2016 *