Title: The impacts of vehicle development on Beijing's climate change and relevant countermeasures
Authors: Guanhua Yue; Yinghan Yu; Haiyao Miao
Addresses: Beijing Climate Change Response Research and Education Center (BCCRC), Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, No 1, Zhanlanguan Road, Xicheng District, Beijing, China ' Beijing Climate Change Response Research and Education Center (BCCRC), Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, No 1, Zhanlanguan Road, Xicheng District, Beijing, China ' Beijing Climate Change Response Research and Education Center (BCCRC), Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, No 1, Zhanlanguan Road, Xicheng District, Beijing, China
Abstract: The sharp increase of motor vehicle uses greatly increases traffic pressure, and vehicle emissions are one of the main sources leading to haze weather and other climate change problems. An investigation has been undertaken to review Beijing's vehicle development and pollutant emissions trends in recent years. Our data showed that the number of Beijing's automobile ownership has been ranked top in China in recent years, nitrogen oxides emissions are higher than that in other fields, and CO2 emissions is about 10% of the total. Furthermore, the PM2.5 concentration in some major traffic areas of Beijing are monitored, the results showed that there is a PM2.5 pollutant peak at the height of 30m-40m and a lowest PM2.5 concentration at 12:00am-16:00pm on a working day. Finally, by comparing the differences in the vehicles number and management policy among major cities in the word, the author put forward some countermeasures for vehicle administration in Beijing.
Keywords: Beijing; China; vehicle development; vehicle design; urban traffic; cities; vehicle emissions; air pollution; PM2.5; haze; climate change; global warming; traffic policy; differences; countermeasures; nitrogen oxides; NOx emissions; CO2; carbon dioxide; carbon emissions.
International Journal of Global Warming, 2016 Vol.10 No.4, pp.496 - 513
Received: 25 Sep 2014
Accepted: 24 Apr 2015
Published online: 14 Oct 2016 *