Title: On the impact of ISO 9000 certification on organisations: a comparative study
Authors: C.P. Kartha
Addresses: School of Management, University of Michigan at Flint, Flint, Michigan, MI 48439, USA
Abstract: This paper presents the results of a research project focusing on the advantages associated with ISO 9000 certification. In particular, this study compares the impact of ISO 9000 certification based on samples from US and Indian companies. A survey involving both ISO 9000 certified and non-certified companies from the USA and India is conducted and the results are presented. The impact of certification on the organisational effectiveness of companies with and without certification for each country is compared, based on a number of factors such as customer satisfaction, profitability and productivity.
Keywords: ISO 9000; quality management systems; quality standards; quality certification; USA; United States; India; organisational effectiveness; customer satisfaction; profitability; productivity.
Journal for Global Business Advancement, 2016 Vol.9 No.4, pp.402 - 411
Published online: 19 Oct 2016 *
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