Title: Managing research and development for continuous change and learning – a case study
Authors: Kenneth Husted, Shantha Liyanage
Addresses: Tamaki Division, The University of Auckland Business School, Bld 723 – 332, Morin Road, Glenn Innes, Auckland, New Zealand. ' Technology, Knowledge and Innovation Management Programme, The University of Auckland Business School, The University of Auckland, Tamaki Campus, Bld 723, Room 331, Morrin Road, Glenn Innes, Auckland, New Zealand
Abstract: Continuous innovation has long been regarded as a direct consequence of a firm|s investments into systematic investigations in developing new products and processes. The exact process of how research and development investment contributes to inventive activities and its long-term impacts on the innovative capacity development of a firm, are still unclear. This paper, using a longitudinal case study of a Danish company in the electronic industry, analyses the impacts of research and development activities on the development and adjustments to a firm|s innovation capacities.
Keywords: continuous innovation; growth; knowledge management; knowledge networks; learning organisation; organisational change; research management; R&D investment; research and development; Denmark; electronics industry; innovation capacity; organisational learning.
International Journal of Learning and Change, 2005 Vol.1 No.1, pp.110 - 121
Published online: 24 Oct 2005 *
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