Title: The verifiable secure schemes for resisting attacks in cloud deduplication services
Authors: Xuan Li; Yongluo Shen; Jun Zhang
Addresses: School of Software, Fujian Normal University, Fuzhou, Fujian 350117, China ' School of Information Science, Guangdong University of Finance and Economics, Guangzhou, Guangdong 510320, China ' School of Information Science, Guangdong University of Finance and Economics, Guangzhou, Guangdong 510320, China
Abstract: Data deduplication is an impactful technology in cloud storage services which permits the cloud side to save the storage space by eliminating the duplicated data. In this paper, we study the risk of deduplication in cloud storage services. Two typical security issues on how clients can be cheated are demonstrated and analysed. Those attacks may result in data losses to the clients. We therefore propose two mechanisms that make the verification of data deduplication feasible. The proposed verification models can effectively reduce the risk of data deduplication.
Keywords: cloud storage services; data deduplication; information security; verification; cryptography; verifiable security; cloud attacks; cloud computing.
DOI: 10.1504/IJGUC.2016.080186
International Journal of Grid and Utility Computing, 2016 Vol.7 No.3, pp.184 - 189
Received: 25 Sep 2014
Accepted: 16 Nov 2014
Published online: 07 Nov 2016 *