Title: The standardisation, production and utilisation of biomethane in Europe and China - a comprehensive analysis
Authors: Eric Billig; Daniela Thrän; Peng Pu; Changchun Yu
Addresses: Bioenergy Department, Helmholtz Centre for environmental Research – UFZ, 04318 Leipzig, Permoser Straße 15, Germany ' Bioenergy Department, Helmholtz Centre for environmental Research – UFZ, 04318 Leipzig, Permoser Straße 15, Germany; Bioenergy Systems Department, Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum – DBFZ, 04347 Leipzig, Torgauer Straße 116, Germany ' China University of Petroleum-Beijing – CUP, Fuxue Road 18, Changping District, 102249, Beijing, China ' China University of Petroleum-Beijing – CUP, Fuxue Road 18, Changping District, 102249, Beijing, China
Abstract: All over the world the transition of the energy system from fossil to renewable sources is fostered. One way to increase fuel independence is the usage of biomethane, a substitute for natural gas, by using local biomass resources. This paper gives an overview of the already applied or planed standardisations as well as possible applications of biomethane in Europe (with focus on the EU) and China. In this context the relevance of coherent frame condition for market development is discussed. Both regions, China and Europe, have huge biomass respective biomethane potential and already started to implement a biomethane market, whereas the one in the EU is already well advanced. Finally, this study gives a recommendation for both areas for a stable and sustainable biomethane development. [Received: January 19, 2016; Accepted: October 2, 2016].
Keywords: biomethane production; biogas; China; European Union; EU; standardisation; biomethane utilisation; biomass; biomethane market; sustainable development; sustainability; biofuels.
DOI: 10.1504/IJOGCT.2017.081105
International Journal of Oil, Gas and Coal Technology, 2017 Vol.14 No.1/2, pp.110 - 129
Received: 19 Jan 2016
Accepted: 02 Oct 2016
Published online: 21 Dec 2016 *