Title: Custom-designed wireless mote performance analysis in diverse node placement and antenna positioning scenarios for agricultural monitoring
Authors: Vijayaragavan Viswanathan; Ram Prasadh Narayanan; C. Ahamed Aslam; R.S. Anoop; V.J. Mahalakshmi
Addresses: Tiino Research Labs, Tiino Techmations Pvt Ltd, 16 Teachers Colony, Cheran Maa Nagar, Vilankurichi Post, Coimbatore 641035, Tamilnadu, India ' Tiino Research Labs, Tiino Techmations Pvt Ltd, 16 Teachers Colony, Cheran Maa Nagar, Vilankurichi Post, Coimbatore 641035, Tamilnadu, India ' Tiino Research Labs, Tiino Techmations Pvt Ltd, 16 Teachers Colony, Cheran Maa Nagar, Vilankurichi Post, Coimbatore 641035, Tamilnadu, India ' Tiino Research Labs, Tiino Techmations Pvt Ltd, 16 Teachers Colony, Cheran Maa Nagar, Vilankurichi Post, Coimbatore 641035, Tamilnadu, India ' Tiino Research Labs, Tiino Techmations Pvt Ltd, 16 Teachers Colony, Cheran Maa Nagar, Vilankurichi Post, Coimbatore 641035, Tamilnadu, India
Abstract: Objective of this work is to analyse various mote parameters, under different deployment and antenna positioning scenarios. The nodes were deployed and tested for its communication and sensing on the surface, under the ground and also in a hybrid environment. The results suggest that communication medium (underground and over-the-surface deployment) and the mote's antenna positioning, have considerable implications on received signal strength (RSS), packet delivery ratio (PDR) and signal attenuation. This research work has analysed the effect of transmission signal strength, packet loss and RSS, at different deployment and antenna positioning scenarios, taking into consideration, the power supply and other environmental parameters. The feasibility of implementing a wireless under-ground sensor network (WUSN) for agricultural monitoring is also studied.
Keywords: wireless sensor networks; underground WSNs; underground sensor networks; agricultural monitoring; received signal strength; RSS; antenna positioning; node placement; wireless mote; performance evaluation; underground networks; packet delivery ratio; PDR; signal attenuation; transmission signal strength; packet loss.
DOI: 10.1504/IJCNDS.2017.081442
International Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems, 2017 Vol.18 No.1, pp.18 - 31
Received: 17 Jun 2015
Accepted: 17 May 2016
Published online: 08 Jan 2017 *