Title: Studies of radioactive contaminations and heavy metal contents in cosmetics
Authors: Hayam Ahmed Abdel-Ghany; Fatma Ragab
Addresses: Physics Department, Faculty of Women for Art, Science and Education, Ain-Shams University, Cairo, Egypt ' Physics Department, Faculty of Women for Art, Science and Education, Ain-Shams University, Cairo, Egypt
Abstract: Measurement of radioactivity in cosmetics such as face powders and eye liner (kohl) has not been reported so far. Herein gamma ray spectrometry and CR-39 solid state nuclear track detector have been used to investigate six cosmetics of different brands. The results have demonstrate that the average values of specific activities of 238U, 232Th and 40K were 12.66±2.96, 14.58±8.83 and 269±120 Bqkg−1, respectively. Also the average radon exhalation rate was 0.21±0.04 Bqm−2h−1. The calculated radium-equivalents were lower than recommended value (370 Bqkg−1). The absorbed dose rates due to the natural radioactivity of the investigated samples ranged from 6.83±2.6 to 99.5±51 nGyh−1. Also, X-ray fluorescence spectrometry studies showed that the concentrations of the heavy Mo, Sr, Pb, Zn, Cu, Ni, Fe, Mn, Rb, As, Zr and Cr were 4±0.96, 26.93±12.24, 110135±109973, 672.98±433, 1001±722, 318±145, 3847±790, 60±25, 24.71±13, 9002±4210, 24.71±18 and 153±72 ppm, respectively.
Keywords: cosmetics; atomic absorption; gamma ray spectrometry; solid state nuclear track detector; radon exhalation; radioactive contaminations; heavy metals; radioactivity; face powder; eye liner; kohl; low radiation.
International Journal of Low Radiation, 2016 Vol.10 No.3, pp.181 - 197
Received: 07 Jan 2015
Accepted: 18 Feb 2015
Published online: 09 Jan 2017 *