Title: Demographics and business decisions: an empirical investigation
Authors: Chrysanthi Trygousi
Addresses: School of Social Sciences, Hellenic Open University, Parodos Aristotelous 18, Patra, 26335, Greece
Abstract: Nowadays companies strive for their sustainability and prosperity in order to maintain a place into international markets. A company that aims to preserve its presence shall take numerous decisions regarding strategic management, marketing and human resource management. These decisions are taken by top managerial positions and therefore the company should ensure recruiting to these positions people who are aligned with its mission and vision. Desirable skills amongst others are analytical and technical capabilities, intuition and perspicacity. Such skills are neither obvious nor measurable. Ideally the company will benefit if instead of these skills it could look for more obvious characteristics. Such characteristics are the demographics. The aim of this study is the relation of demographic characteristics to business decisions. The analysis concludes that nationality, annual income and job title are the demographic characteristics than mainly affect business decisions while the decisions that are 'vulnerable' to more demographic characteristics are those related to human resource management.
Keywords: demographic characteristics; demographics; business decisions; questionnaire; qualitative data; statistical analysis; strategic decisions; marketing decisions; human resource management; HRM; nationality; annual income; job title.
DOI: 10.1504/IJDSRM.2016.082052
International Journal of Decision Sciences, Risk and Management, 2016 Vol.6 No.4, pp.373 - 380
Received: 02 Oct 2015
Accepted: 13 Mar 2016
Published online: 06 Feb 2017 *