Title: A robust algorithm for analysis of intercepted HF traffic under noisy environment
Authors: Gurjit Singh Walia; Salil Arora; Rajiv Kapoor; Neelam Verma; Tarandeep Singh
Addresses: Defense Research and Development Organization, Ministry of Defense, Delhi, India ' Department of Electronics and Communication, Delhi Technological University (formerly DCE), Delhi, India ' Department of Electronics and Communication, Delhi Technological University (formerly DCE), Delhi, India ' Defense Research and Development Organization, Ministry of Defense, Delhi, India ' Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, PEC University of Technology (formerly Punjab Engineering College), Chandigarh, India
Abstract: The aim of this paper is to introduce a novel algorithm for retrieval of information from noisy intercepted traffic. The design considerations for HF protocol along with its simulation are elaborated. The main contribution of our research work is proposal for novel method for recovery information from a partially decoded noisy bit stream for HF protocols. Statistical properties of language such as unigram, bigram, trigram frequency have been exploited for design of cost function. Also, histogram analysis along with mean and variance statistics of language are extracted and used for design of another cost function. In our proposed analysis algorithm these cost functions are used for automatic analysis of recorded baseband protocols. The algorithm for automatic estimation of non-standard parameters such as baud rate, data format is proposed. The results and analysis of proposed algorithms are discussed for simulated HF protocol recordings.
Keywords: frequency shift keying; autocorrelation; centre frequency; baud rate; information retrieval; intercepted HF traffic; simulation; noisy bit streams; high frequency protocols.
DOI: 10.1504/IJCNDS.2017.082104
International Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems, 2017 Vol.18 No.2, pp.162 - 185
Received: 24 Feb 2015
Accepted: 17 May 2016
Published online: 07 Feb 2017 *