Title: Location of a new banking agency in Sfax: a multi-criteria approach
Authors: Hela Moalla Frikha; Habib Chabchoub; Jean Marc Martel
Addresses: LOGIQ Research Unit, Higher Institute of Industrial Management of Sfax, Road of Tunis km 10.5, Technopole of Sfax, BP 1164, Sfax 3021, Tunisia ' Faculty of Economic Sciences and Management of Sfax, Road of airport, BP 1088, Sfax, 3018, Tunisia ' Faculty of Administration Sciences, Laval University, Quebec G1K 7P4, Canada
Abstract: Sfax is an important economic pole in Tunisia, distinguished in all economic sectors of activity by its increasing rate of employment. Besides, many new projects are implemented in Sfax as well as in its suburbs. These factors contribute to increase the necessity of resorting to banks either to deposit the collected funds or to obtain credits. Since banks play an important and indispensable role for the promotion of the national economy, Tunisian banks follow propagation policies in order to ensure coverage of Tunisian territory through the installation of news banking agencies. To maximise its profitability, the 'Tunisian Development Bank' carry out a survey in order to choose the best sites to set up its new agencies. In this framework, we will develop in this paper a preference disaggregation approach based on PROMETHEE method. The proposed approach deduces, in an objective way, PROMETHEE's parameters from binary preference relations provided by the decision maker and then allows ranking the different sites for the setting up of the new banking agency.
Keywords: multicriteria decision analysis; MCDA; facility location; mathematical programming; banking agencies; PROMETHEE; preferences disaggregation; Sfax; Tunisia; bank sites; multicriteria decision making; MCDM.
DOI: 10.1504/IJIDS.2017.082403
International Journal of Information and Decision Sciences, 2017 Vol.9 No.1, pp.45 - 76
Received: 14 Aug 2014
Accepted: 30 Apr 2015
Published online: 23 Feb 2017 *