Title: A framework for manufacturing execution system deployment in an advanced additive manufacturing process
Authors: Gianluca D'Antonio; Frédéric Segonds; Floriane Laverne; Joel Sauza Bedolla; Paolo Chiabert
Addresses: Politecnico di Torino, C.so Duca degli Abruzzi 24, 10129 Torino, Italy ' Ècole Nationale Superieure d'Arts et Métiers, 151, bd de l'Hôpital, 75013 Paris, France ' Ècole Nationale Superieure d'Arts et Métiers, 151, bd de l'Hôpital, 75013 Paris, France ' Politecnico di Torino, C.so Duca degli Abruzzi 24, 10129 Torino, Italy ' Politecnico di Torino, C.so Duca degli Abruzzi 24, 10129 Torino, Italy
Abstract: The deployment of additive manufacturing (AM) processes had a rapid and broad increase in the last years, and the same trend is expected to hold in the near future. A way to better exploit the advantages of such technology is the use of appropriate information tools. However, today there is a lack of software applications devoted to this innovative manufacturing process. To overcome this issue, in the present work the application of manufacturing execution systems (MES), a tool commonly used in traditional manufacturing processes, is extended to AM. Furthermore, a framework for the deployment of shop-floor data, acquired through a monitoring system, in the design phase is presented: hence, MES should cooperate with design for additive manufacturing (DFAM), a set of methods and tools helpful to design a product and its manufacturing process taking into account AM specificities from the early design stages. In order to better understand the advantages of such cooperation, a case study for a proof of concept has been developed: the obtained results are promising, thus an online implementation would be recommended.
Keywords: design for additive manufacturing; DFAM; information systems; monitoring systems; manufacturing execution systems; MES; early design; cooperation.
DOI: 10.1504/IJPLM.2017.082996
International Journal of Product Lifecycle Management, 2017 Vol.10 No.1, pp.1 - 19
Received: 25 Apr 2016
Accepted: 15 Oct 2016
Published online: 17 Mar 2017 *